Saturday, October 20, 2007

Still a Writer

Okay, so September came and went and I didn't start a new book. I didn't even take out one of the old ones and agonize over it, admire it, or send it out on its own anywhere new.

But that doesn't mean I'm not still a writer.

That was the aha moment I had recently while blogging on our RWA chapter blog. And it took Alice to point out that it was, indeed, an aha moment. That's how far removed I've been from my own writing.

But I'm still a writer.

I've had several good photography jobs recently. Genene finished designing her new book cover, featuring a photo I took. (The cover of Songs of the Heart is on our chapter blog site if you care to take a look) I'm getting photo references, and had my first "Sorry, you're out of my budget" which is even a bit of success in its own way....

But still, I am a writer as well as a photographer. I'm just a writer who's not writing a novel at the moment. But the ideas are brewing. The weather's turning wet and dark and so is the suspense writer portion of my gray matter. I think that's a good thing, because after all I am a writer.

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