Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I'm Baaack

Sorry for being MIA (as my friend, Paty, puts it). I took April and May off this blog (still posted at our RWA chapter blog on my designated days though) to finish my WIP, "Vanishings". And, it is officially done. Woo-hoo!!!! I am in the querying-agents process now.

Please cross your fingers and wish me luck.


Paty Jager said...

Yeah! she's back! Missed ya Lady!

And Woop! Woop! Can't wait to read Vanishings!

Paty Jager said...

Oh and my toes are crossed. (can't type with crossed fingers) i teiried it wsj[qand jusr doesnlr work! LOL

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Good luck. ;)

Alice pointed out to me that she thinks it's hilarious you just finished a book called Vanishings, and I have a wip entitled, Vanished.

Great minds, huh?

Danita Cahill said...

Thanks Paty, it's great to be back!

And thanks for all the digit crossing!

Danita Cahill said...

I noticed on your website, Eli, that you had a WIP called Vanished. Mine started out titled The Vanishings, which I like better, but then found out there is a movie by that name. I may change my title to The Dogs. We'll see.

How's the writing going for you?