Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Some Very Good Writing Advice

The other morning I was talking to an old friend. I told her about a recent rejection I'd received on my book.

"Now what?" she asked.

"Now I'll send it out again," I said. "Never give up."

"You should just write exactly what you want to write, exactly the way you want to write it," she said. "I like reading inspired authors."

How's that for a wise chunk of advice from a friend and reader?

I think I'll take her advice at face value.


Elisabeth Naughton said...

Love that advice. :)

Paty Jager said...

It's true- if you aren't writing what you are really into- it doesn't flow and you aren't as excited about it.

I want to write a sequel to my first published book, but the Spirit trilogy is what is calling to me and has been for a while. Once I get this first book revised and glowing, I may just keep right on pumping on the spirit books- or I may jump over to the sequel! LOL It just depends on what mood I'm in by then!

I'm glad you're back blogging!

Danita Cahill said...

Thanks for popping in to comment you two.

It was great advice, huh? It is so hard to feel inspired if you're just writing to follow the trends. From what I hear, that's a bad idea anyway. Trend will be over by the time you can get something written and published...