Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Today's the Day, Self Doubt Go Away

I'm mailing off a partial today to the editor who's most likely to love my book. at least according to recent reading, studying, praying and assorted digit crossing, she seems to be the one most likely to love my book.

I was riddled with self-doubt as I reworked the first page, page and a half of the manuscript. Where did that come from? I don't need no stinking self doubt. But, I needed to make sure my dream editor was plunged directly into the story. Had to make her love it, love my heroine, want to know what happens next. So, long rambling first sentences, out you go. Too long first paragraph, away with you.

The query letter was next. Must be concise, busy editor eye-catching, and short. Another couple days toiling over that, and finally, okay. It's acceptable.

And then came the synopsis. Surprisingly, when I pulled it up and had a read through, it was better than I'd remembered, thanks in large part to Alice Sharpe's help. Thanks, Alice, if you're reading. Thanks, even if you're not! So the synopsis took only minor revisions. I printed it off, ready to ship the package out yesterday when wham! it hit me -- I'd forgotten an important bit of conflict between my hero and heroine in the synopsis. We couldn't have that. So, rewrite that secion, reprint the seven pages and wah-lah!!!!

A trip to the post office, a few superstitious BDBs -- my girls from monthtowrite know what I'm talking about here -- and off goes the partial today, to make the long trip from Oregon to New York City, where hopefully the package doesn't sit month after dusty month in a corner of the slush pile room....

Wish me luck!!


Paty Jager said...

I'm wishing you tons of luck! And get over those self doubts! You're an awesome writer!

Danita Cahill said...

Thanks Paty, so are you, so that means a lot!