Thursday, June 28, 2007

Retreat and Other Treats

Went to a writing retreat with several ladies from my local RWA chapter last weekend. It was nice. Relaxing. Got the final polishes done on my WIP and wrote a few lines on my next project. Did some reading. Ate too many of Piper's peanut butter blondies. Drank a little wine. (Quite a combination).

Our cabin was outside of Bend at Elk Lake. Nice. New. In the mountains, nestled in a grove of lodgepole pines on the lake. We watched sailboats on the water and a chipmunk scamper across the deck. Went for a couple nice walks. Enjoyed each other's company. Did some reading.

While sitting on the deck with my notebook and highlighter, a humming bird paused to check out my fluttering red sleeve. Maybe it looked like a flower. I felt the tiny bird's wings against my skin. It was a trip highlight.

Little encounters with nature are some of the most inspiring things for my writing, and my soul. I do some of my best problem-solving when I'm up to my wrists in dirt. Besides gardening, taking walks through beautiful, wild, or semi-wild areas also get my creative juices flowing.

What helps you work through writing, or personal problems?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Getting it Out There

My book is out the door. Officially. I've sent queries and/or partials to my top pick of agents, and have heard back all ready -- within a week! -- from two of them.

I'm back in the submission game! Woo-hoo! It's been a little while since I've played.

I hope the agents read quickly. There are several editors who I want to query too...

Patience, my child. Patience. Ha!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I'm Baaack

Sorry for being MIA (as my friend, Paty, puts it). I took April and May off this blog (still posted at our RWA chapter blog on my designated days though) to finish my WIP, "Vanishings". And, it is officially done. Woo-hoo!!!! I am in the querying-agents process now.

Please cross your fingers and wish me luck.